They say timing is everything in life, and with sunset photography, it’s proven again and again. 


The Catalyst

The photo that changed my life.  This shot was taken right after I had to upgrade to the iPhone 14 Pro and it gave me an unexpected gift.  It lit a fire inside of me to make photography my passion.  It’s incredible how one instant moment can be so explosive and put you on a path that will redefine your life.  To say it was serendipitous to have to upgrade my phone at that time is an understatement.

This particular photo has always been mine and many others most favorite.  To me, it’s because it’s also extremely rare to get a shot like this, especially in your own back yard.  They say timing is everything in life, and with sunset photography, it’s proven again and again.

I hope everyone has the opportunity to find their “catalyst” that can change their life.

– Darrick Gitomer

